Saturday, May 15, 2010


For my second web 2.0 tools I have chosen It is a great site that works to teach how to incorporate technology into the classroom. Knowing where to find sites and how to play around in them is one thing but if you don’t know how to use them in the classroom what good are they. I use different sites to enhance my students learning but I realize that I could do so much more. offers online tutorials and podcasts that show you how to incorporate technology in the classroom along with lesson plans that are Web based. There are resources for teachers and students along with information for professional development. 4teachers also has a link to their video channel on youtube and teachertube that focus on tutorials and educational videos. The link to their blog highlights different useful teaching sites and shares information on other educational discussions. Online assessments are available along with assistance for special needs. The other cool thing is a professional profiler survey used to find out the strengths and weaknesses as a group in order to build a better team. Grade level teaching teams could take the survey to learn each other’s talents in order to build a stronger team by building on those talents to ensure cohesive teaching per grade level.

To have all this information on one site is incredible. I don’t always have time to search the Web for everything I need. I like how this site is created for that reason. There are so many useful tools on this one website. It is definitely a teacher’s friend.


  1. This Web 2.0 tool sounds excellent! I'm definitely going to add it to my list. Incorporating technology in the classroom is why I decided to be in this MA program. I like how it is linked to professional development and youtube and teachertube. More importantly, it is geared towards children with special needs, which is very helpful for me because I am a special ed teacher and I am striving to find full-time teaching as a Special Ed teacher. Also, the survey sounds very interesting because it makes teachers collaborate and share each others ideas.

  2. What a great tool to have available! I had recently commented on the fear that teachers have of using technology in the classroom. One of the issues was understanding how to incorporate technology into their curriculum. This tools sounds like the perfect solution that would provide a lot of information and available resources at a teacher's fingertips without being cumbersome.

  3. This makes me think of the Avid website that makes a lot of my equipment; podcasts and blogs about operation and helpful hints. This is definitely something I will check out as time goes one. Really good post.
